Competing Interactions in Strongly Driven Multi-Level Systems
Creator Name: Bender, Jana
Creator Name: Mischke, Patrick
Creator Name: Klas, Tanita
Creator Name: Binoth, Florian
Creator Name: Naim, Hani
Creator Name: Ott, Herwig
Creator Name: Niederprüm, Thomas
Affiliation: Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Publisher: Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Year: 2024
Resource Type: dataset
Language: en
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Abstract: This repository contains the data and scripts for the paper "Competing Interactions in Strongly Driven Multi-Level Systems" by J.Bender, P. Mischke, T. Klas, F. Binoth, H. Naim, H. Ott and T. Niederprüm. The data is used to experimentally confirm multilevel behaviour in the Autler-Townes shift of an atomic system with an additional internal interaction. It consists of spectra where ions created from excited atoms are measured for varied probing laser frequency. The spectra are saved as csv files for multiple coupling strengths. They are structured in an additional json file which can be used to automatically import them into a script. The direct evaluation scripts are included. They are written in Python. For more details on the data structure refer to the included README file. The evaluation and interpretation of the data is presented in the aforementioned paper.
Funder Name: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft