Experimental realization of a 3D random hopping model
Creator Name: Lippe, Carsten
Creator Name: Klas, Tanita
Creator Name: Bender, Jana
Creator Name: Mischke, Patrick
Creator Name: Niederprüm, Thomas
Creator Name: Ott, Herwig
Affiliation: TU Kaiserslautern
Publisher: TU Kaiserslautern
Year: 2021
Resource Type: dataset
Language: en
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
Abstract: This repository contains the experimental raw data used in our paper "Experimental realization of a 3D random hopping model" (Nature Communications, 2021, Carsten Lippe, Tanita Klas, Jana Bender, Patrick Mischke, Thomas Niederprüm and Herwig Ott), including the data for the plots shown in the supplementary material. For an interpretation of the data please refer to this paper. Within this repository, no evaluation is presented. The data contained in this repository is the raw data obtained from the experiment without any modifications. This includes possible mistakes done during acquisition, that have been accounted for in the evaluation.
Funder Name: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft