Improving thermal ablation of liver tumors: Modeling and parameter identification of laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy
Creator Name: Andres, Matthias
Affiliation: TU Kaiserslautern
Publisher: TU Kaiserslautern
Year: 2021
Resource Type: dataset
Language: en
Rights: GNU General Public License v3.0 only
Abstract: This repository contains the MATLAB and Python codes and data of the numerical experiments of the following PhD thesis: M. Andres, Improving thermal ablation of liver tumors: Modeling and parameter identification of laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy, TU Kaiserslautern Dept. of Mathematics, Technomathematics group, 2021. Furthermore, several auxiliary files are provided to verify several computations published in the thesis.
Description: The repository contains three folders: 1) "simulation": MATLAB and Python codes; 2) "published_results": results of the numerical experiments, stored in formats defined by the particular experiment; 3) "thesis_aux_computations": different files to verify particular computations used in the thesis. Some are stored as Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb). Please download all folders of this repository and save them in the same folder. The experiments include a variable "path_to_stored_results", which stores a relative path from the experiment file to the results folder.
Related Identifier: ISBN:978-3-8439-4774-9
Related Identifier: urn:nbn:de:hbz:386-kluedo-63227